Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Blissfully Art Journaling

Hello everyone!
Yesterday in the group Blissfully Art Journaling Kim put out the prompt 'The "A" Factor'. The "A" Factor of course is the Art Factor. She wanted us to do a spread on Art and if we're doing art everyday...if we're not doing art everyday, are we at least talking about it? If we're not doing either, are we at least looking at it? I took the prompt a little bit farther with the journaling portion of it. I wanted to put something down about how much my life has changed over the past few months because of all the positive influences I now have in my life because of Art. I'm truly grateful to everyone in my groups for being so inspiring and encouraging! Thanks Everyone!


P.S. - Art puppy is back today! YAY!


Socrates said...

Another awesome page. You're chirning them out and they look great. I love the colored zentangle.
(I snooped and read your text too.) I'm proud to be your sister in art, what a great family we make. Years ago, Richard Bach wrote in the Reluctant Messiah: Your family is not made of bone and flesh. Your family is made of the ones you choose and who take you in. (I paraphrase) Welcome home. Sox

Artefaque: (är'tə-fākt') * said...

Very nicely done!

Cheryl Connell said...

This looks really cool! The zentangles are neat too.


mzjohansen said...

Great post! I am working on my "A" today !

Tammy Freiborg said...

Thanks for sharing your personal story! You've traveled quite a distance in a few short months, found a awesome support system, and are following a path which makes you happy. Thanks for sharing your doses of A-factor with us!

Creatively Lisa said...

I love all the journaling and the details. Great job on this.

Timaree said...

Glad you are finding what you need in the online art world. It'd be really lovely for me too, to meet someone in person for an art friend but I am so thankful for the online groups I am in. Hope you stay on this positive course and that it just gets better.

Lisa said...

Wow Toni, your "A" journal page was so touching... thank you for giving us a clear view into your heart. You are truly an inspiration to many people (including me!) HUGS!