Sunday, November 22, 2009

Sketchbook Project 1st & 2nd Spread

Okee, these are my first two spreads for the Sketchbook project. I have turned this into my second Children's book. I'm hoping this comes together nicely as it's a dream of mine to be a children's author sometime in my life. This is one of my 2390482039849283409 dreams so, I'm working on it! :)

The first page says:
A million little fishies in the sea.

Second page Says:
A million little stars in the sky. Don't you see?

I'm pretty sure that period should be a comma? Any suggestions - it just doesn't seem right to me gramatically. I'm no gramatical genius - but, it just doesn't feel right.

Anyhow, I hope you enjoy and come back to see how my story unfolds! :)

Also, I wanted to thank each and every one of you for the love, support, and encouragement you all provide to me daily. Several of you have become extremely special to me and I respect each of you and your talents. You're beautiful, and wonderfully creative - I just want you all to know that. You have become very important parts of my life that can not be replaced. Thank you a million times. You have helped to save me from myself and I am thankful for you all daily.



Lisa said...

Toni, what a wonderful start to your children's book. And I can TOTALLY see this as a story book. I can almost taste your vision. I am so excited for you and have every confidence in your ideas. You go girl! XOXO

Socrates said...

It's a joy to be your friend, beautiful Toni. And I love your spreads!!!! Your fishes are so darn cute. I think it should be a comma too for the stars. But I don't think the grammar police will be checking. I bet that page looks lovely in person.. Sox

Kelly said...

I love your first two pages. It will make a great children's book! I agree, the perioud should be a comma. Glad you are feeling better.

Tammy Freiborg said...

You're making a delightful contribution to the Sketchbook Project! You are a lovely woman; follow those dreams!