Thursday, June 10, 2010

Calling All Artists!!

Hello all! Long time no speak!

I'm going to make this short and sweet.

I am looking for willing artists to donate pieces of artwork to be sold over the next 30 days. The proceeds from this sale, will be sent to two charities of your choice. The only catch is, the charities must be voted on, andthey must be working to help with this oil disaster.

If any pieces of art aren't sold, I will personally make a donation, in your name, to our charity of choice.

Please let me know what you think!


Selling Art said...

Hey Dude,
Really your thought will be a great mainstream for those who are looking for Art For Sale. As it sounds very good though i would like to light it at the wall of my facebook.
Art For Sale

Anonymous said...

Great idea Toni! Let me know, I'll donate work!